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Dropbar hoods - Gravelbike pogies for nordic winter weather

2 pcs Gravelbike Käsisuojat talveen ja kylmiin säihin


Price with selected options€49.00

Delivery methods

Parcel (Finland)€8.00
Parcels (EU)€12.00

These gravel/roadbike handprotectors are designed with cold rainy, frost and snowy winters in mind. The outer shell is waterproof and protects from wind. With wool lining a profer stiffness is achieved in addition to insulation from the possibly cold shell. Wool also suspends the warmth of your hands within the "bag". Fingers are allowed to warm each other. You get a direct contact with brakes and gear levers.

Keep ordinary gloves stuffed with you for the breaks where you leave the bike. Our experience is that ordinary winter gloves are not needed during the biking down to -10 degrees celsius and lower. The warmth and usage strategy may vary between individuals and intensity/style of biking.