Ice skating is one of the most wonderful activities you can have in the winter archipelago. For newbies ice can definitely be surpriscing, dangerous and challenging. With lectures and guided tours one can grow skils, knowledge and travel safer. Tours are usually announced on short notice. You can buy "Haluan retkiluistelijaksi" ( I want to be a skater ) service for one season and thus make sure you are on the notification list. You will need to enroll on a course or tour separately and pay for the participant fee en each case according to tour specific participant fees. Tours start on the shore and end a few meters from the shore. Deviating or leaving the group has to be agreed/notified to the leader.
NNN BC binding boot lock-pin protection
You may need to walk to or between ice. That is when you need to protect your skating boots from wear. Use this 40mm wide bit and they are protected.€15.00
NNN BC binding boot lock-pin protection with knob
You may need to walk to or between ice. That is when you need to protect your skating boots from wear. Use this 40mm wide bit and they are protected. An extra knob or lever makes securing and...€15.00
Skate holders - couplers
Skateholders to effectively protect nordic skates. While they are kapt as a unit in your pocket. Clip skates together in under 40 seconds and you are on the go. Skate blades go against each other...€19.90
Skaters measure hook ""
Hook used for measuring ice thickness also through small holes made by ice poles. Lines at 2-8 cm's. Total length 12 cm. Manufactured in Finland.€3.00
Pilli , voimakasääninen joustava puhalluspilli
Tällä pillillä saat päät kääntymään, jos ylipäätään. Kuuluu kauas ja äänensävyllä jonka heikkokuuloinenkin kuulee. Joustava materiaali - ei rikkoonnu. Suojaa omia korvia ennen ensipuhallusta.€5.00
Haluan retkiluistelijaksi
Ilmoita luisteluhalukkuutesi tässä. Kun on sopivat olosuhteet niin ilmoitamme sinulle varsinaisesta retkestä johon voit ilmoittautua ja maksaa siihen liittyvän retken osallistumismaksun....€20.00
Introduction lecture, Q&A for Nordic skating
An introductory lecture about ice basics and safety for nordic skating€30.00
€20.00Dianova Timanttiteroitin retkiluistimille
Iceclaws and measure made by
Ice-Claws are manufactured in Finland by They do not have a CE-labelling which for sales and use in Europe is required for safety equipment. However - they have a noncorrosive and sharp...Jäänaskalit Skyllermarks Hansa - Dubben
Hansa - Dubben on ruotsissa valmistettu laadukas turvaväline. CE-hyväksytty turvavarusteena.€20.00
€0.00Luisteluretki perjantaina alkaen klo 9:30
Osallistujalla oltava perustaidot ja suositusten mukainen varustus. Tarkista omien vakuutusten voimassaolo.€0.00
NNN Classic (30 mm) binding boot lock-pin protection with knob
You may need to walk to or between ice. That is when you need to protect your skating boots from wear. Use this 30mm wide bit and they are protected. An extra knob or lever makes securing and...€15.00
Teroitustuet retkiluistimille
Retkiluistimia teroitettaessa ne pidetään vaakatasossa ja rinnakkain. Nämä kevyet alumiiniset profiilt kiristetään luistinten profiilirautoihin ja näin varmistetaan että luistimet eivät heilu...€20.00
€20.00Tulokasretki - retkiluistelun harjoituksia ja käytäntöjä jäällä
Kun olet käynnyt Retkiluistelun turvakurssin/tulokaskurssin (luennon), osallistu tulokasretkelle.€20.00