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Kayak paddling in South Finland archipelago.

Baggö - Jussarö sea kayak tour thru the Ekenäs archipelago, Finland

Paddle to the outer Finnish archipelago. Jussarö in the Ekenäs (Finland) archipelago has a history of Piloting and iron mining deep under the sea. The island that we paddle to is unique with black...


Guided mondaytour from Ekenäs (Tammisaari), 3hrs

We would explore the areas and islands closest to Ekenäs by kayak, starting from the shores of Ekenäs. As we spot a nice place we will go ashore and enjoy a brief our own snacks or perhaps a...


Guided tour in the neighborhood of Ekenäs (Tammisaari)

We would explore the areas and islands closest to Ekenäs, starting from the shores of Ekenäs. As we spot a nice place we will go ashore and enjoy a brief our own snacks or perhaps a proper...



Leirikoulu (2 tunnin ryhmiä)

Koululaisille tarkoitettu leirikoulu. Pyydä tarjous jättämällä yhteystietosi ja varaamalla toivottu päivämäärä. Pitämillämme leirikoulumelonnoilta on tullut erittäin positiivista palautetta...


Paddle tour by kayak with Cottage accommodation, Alglo (Tammisaari)

Join our weekend kayak paddle experience staring Friday afternoon. First day goes to our cottage basecamp on one of the outer islands. Explore some of the most exclusive locations, likely parts of...



Place for your tent for the duration of the event.

For the right to raise a tent at the event site. You would bring the tent yourself.


We plan, draw and print devices. If the part is already drawn and printed successfully, depending on size and number of pcs, they can be ready within an hour. A bigger part may take until the following day. Bigger amounts need to be scheduled.

  • We choose the material to match the product need.

  • Printed products are generally not perceived as food safe or waterproof. Depending on the skills, experience, material and other forms of construction there might be smaller or bigger unintended pinholes. Those pinholes might leak or collect organic material such as bacteria. Storing food long term, or repeatedly is generally not recommended without surface preparation. The plastics are generally non toxic.